Open Call Applicants

Open Call 2022-2023

Dance Place is happy to announce our Open Call for proposals for the 2022-2023 Presentation Series. Dance Place invites artists based in the greater Washington, DC region to submit an application (or Voice Memo) for proposed projects. 


Dance Place believes that people of color, people in the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities and women must be centered in the work we do. Hence, we strongly encourage applications from people with these identities or who are members of other systematically marginalized communities.


January 20, 2022

February 23, 2022 


March 15, 2022

March 31, 2022

Open Call Application Launches

Q/A open house with Associate Curator dani tirrell

(RSVP for Zoom link at

Open Call Applications Due

Open Call artists notified 

Open Call Application Artist Q&A

What is the Open Call Application? 

Dance Place invites artists based in the greater Washington, DC region to submit an application (or Voice Memo) for proposed projects to take place in Dance Place’s Presentation Series for our 2022-2023 season. Proposed projects can be evening-length works or an evening of short-form works. Alternatively, multiple artists/companies may apply together for a mixed-bill evening of short form works by each company. 

Who should apply for the Open Call?

Movement makers that are interested in works that are long form and short form (to discuss more about short form works, please reach out to dani tirrell) works, installations, accessible presentations and all ages presentations. Applications are not just limited to the above list, we are open to your ideas.

What is the February 23 Open Call open house? What if I’m not available that day? 

Open Call applicants are encouraged, but not required, to attend the Open Call open house on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The open house will run from 5:00-7:00pm over Zoom; interested applicants may stop by session I 5:00pm – 5:50pm or session II 6:00pm – 6:50pm.

Associate Curator dani tirrell will be there to answer your questions and discuss your application. (Artists are not expected or required to stay for the full window of time.)

If you are not available on February 23, feel free to set up a Zoom call with Associate Curator dani tirrell to discuss your 

I have more questions. Who can I reach out to? 

Dance Place’s Associate Curator, dani tirrell, is happy to answer any questions you have about the application process. Please reach out at