Join Our Board!

Join our Board! Do any of the following sound like you?

  1. Doer: Are you someone who brings a wealth of experience in business development, strategic planning, finance, marketing, or development to the table? Your skills and expertise can make a real difference for Dance Place.

  2. Donor: If you’re well-resourced, enthusiastic about giving, and deeply passionate about the transformative power of the arts and arts education, we invite you to be a part of our mission.

  3. Door Opener: Are you an inspired networker who thrives on connecting the dots and making introductions to create a greater impact? Your ability to forge meaningful connections can help open doors for us.

Whether you’re a Doer, Donor, or a Door Opener, your involvement with us can contribute to the success and growth of Dance Place. We’re excited to welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds, and with diverse talents and interests. Come be a part of our incredible community of artists, arts enthusiasts and advocates who help Dance Place thrive! To learn more, please email: